Welcoming 2022

Hello beloved friends, extended community members, neighbors, and friends we haven’t met yet!

Thank you for following along and joining us on our journey as we form this new community and house of hospitality. Lots of goodness happened in 2021, and we are so grateful to be entering a new year together. In September 2021, during our opening retreat, we all expressed a desire to begin life at The Fireplace slowly and thoughtfully—not rushing into too much or overextending ourselves. In trying to remain true to that spirit-call, we’ve had wonderful events (Religion Publishing with Jon Sweeney, Advent art with Kiki McGrath, and a housewarming gathering) and continue to enjoy weekly community dinners and a bi-weekly book club!

In December 2021, Abby Rampone joined our residential community! We are so excited for this next chapter together. Stay tuned :)

We wish you all a restful new year. Truly—even in your exhaustion, anxiety, insecurity, grief—may you find the quiet sacred center inside of you, and give yourself permission to leave things undone. Take care, beloveds!


The Fireplace (Abby, Leslie, Cassidy, Julia, and Sharon)

Our holiday card photos!! Taken by the amazing Natalie Warren

L to R: Leslie, Cassidy, Abby :)

Sister Julia and Sister Sharon! :)


Springtime on S. Ellis Ave.


A cozy Fireplace November